September 8, 2024

Traffic Steering Efficiency vs Network Congestion Avoidance in SDWAN

8 min read
Discover the key differences between traffic steering efficiency and network congestion avoidance in SDWAN and learn how to optimize your network performance.
A network of roads with traffic lights and signs

A network of roads with traffic lights and signs

Software-defined wide area networking (SDWAN) has revolutionized the way organizations manage their network traffic. By leveraging cloud-native technologies and virtualization, SDWAN provides businesses with a more economical and flexible way to manage their network infrastructure. In this article, we’ll delve into two critical concepts in SDWAN optimization: traffic steering efficiency and network congestion avoidance. We’ll explore the benefits and challenges of both approaches, and provide insight into how organizations can leverage these techniques to optimize their SDWAN performance and ensure a positive end-user experience.

Understanding the basics of SDWAN and network congestion avoidance

SDWAN is a software-defined approach to managing and optimizing wide area networks (WANs). It provides organizations with a centralized management console for administering their network infrastructure, as well as tools for traffic prioritization and optimization. One of the key challenges in managing a WAN is congestion – this occurs when data traffic exceeds the network’s capacity, leading to slow connection speeds and poor end-user experiences.

Network congestion avoidance is a crucial technique for maintaining optimal performance in SDWAN environments. It involves constantly monitoring network usage and adjusting traffic flows to avoid bottlenecks and ensure that all applications receive the bandwidth they need. By skillfully managing traffic flows, organizations can ensure that their critical applications always have access to the bandwidth they need, even in high-usage scenarios.

Another important aspect of SDWAN is its ability to provide secure connectivity across the WAN. With traditional WANs, security is often implemented through a series of point solutions, which can be difficult to manage and maintain. SDWAN, on the other hand, provides a unified security framework that can be easily managed from a central console. This allows organizations to implement security policies consistently across their entire network, reducing the risk of security breaches and ensuring compliance with industry regulations.

Key challenges in managing network congestion in SDWAN

Managing network congestion in SDWAN environments presents several challenges. First, organizations must have a robust understanding of their network traffic and application requirements to optimize their traffic flows effectively. This requires a granular level of visibility into network traffic, as well as a deep understanding of the applications running on the network.

Another challenge is the dynamic nature of SDWAN environments – WAN bandwidth can vary depending on factors such as time of day, user location, and application usage. As a result, organizations must continuously monitor their network traffic and adjust their traffic flows on the fly to avoid congestion and ensure maximum performance.

Additionally, managing network congestion in SDWAN environments requires a proactive approach to network security. With the increasing number of cyber threats, organizations must ensure that their SDWAN solutions are equipped with robust security features to protect their network from potential attacks. This includes implementing firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and other security measures to safeguard their network traffic.

The role of traffic steering efficiency in SDWAN optimization

Traffic steering efficiency is another critical concept in SDWAN optimization. Instead of merely avoiding congestion, traffic steering efficiency involves directing network traffic through the optimal path to reach its destination as quickly as possible. By automatically routing traffic through the best path available, organizations can make the most of their network resources and ensure that critical applications receive the bandwidth they need.

One key advantage of traffic steering efficiency is that it enables organizations to optimize their WAN usage, reducing the cost of bandwidth and minimizing the risk of congestion. Additionally, by automatically routing traffic through the optimal path, businesses can reduce latency and ensure a more consistent end-user experience.

Another benefit of traffic steering efficiency is that it allows for better network security. By directing traffic through the most secure path, organizations can reduce the risk of cyber attacks and data breaches. This is especially important for businesses that handle sensitive information, such as financial institutions or healthcare providers. With traffic steering efficiency, these organizations can ensure that their data is protected while still maintaining optimal network performance.

Comparative analysis of traffic steering efficiency and network congestion avoidance in SDWAN

Both traffic steering efficiency and network congestion avoidance are critical techniques for optimizing SDWAN performance. The choice of method will depend on the specific needs of the organization and the nature of their network traffic.

For organizations with highly variable traffic patterns, network congestion avoidance may be the best approach. This technique allows businesses to dynamically manage their traffic flows in real-time, ensuring that their critical applications always receive the bandwidth they need, even in high-usage scenarios.

On the other hand, organizations with constant traffic flows may benefit more from the traffic steering efficiency technique. This method reduces WAN bandwidth costs and ensures consistent end-user experiences by automatically routing traffic through the optimal path. By optimizing WAN usage, organizations can make the most of their network resources and achieve maximum efficiency.

It is important to note that both traffic steering efficiency and network congestion avoidance can be used in conjunction with each other to achieve even greater optimization of SDWAN performance. By combining these techniques, organizations can create a more robust and flexible network infrastructure that can adapt to changing traffic patterns and usage scenarios.

How to measure the effectiveness of traffic steering efficiency and network congestion avoidance in SDWAN

To measure the effectiveness of traffic steering efficiency and network congestion avoidance in SDWAN, organizations should monitor key metrics such as network utilization, latency, and application performance. By tracking these metrics over time, businesses can identify trends and patterns in their network traffic and adjust their traffic flows accordingly.

Additionally, organizations should leverage analytics tools to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their network traffic. These tools can help businesses identify areas of network congestion or suboptimal traffic flows that require attention.

Another important factor to consider when measuring the effectiveness of traffic steering efficiency and network congestion avoidance in SDWAN is the user experience. It is essential to gather feedback from end-users to understand how the network is performing from their perspective. This can be done through surveys or by monitoring user behavior on applications. By incorporating user feedback into the analysis, organizations can ensure that their SDWAN solution is meeting the needs of their users and delivering a positive experience.

Best practices for optimizing SDWAN performance using traffic steering and network congestion avoidance techniques

Optimizing SDWAN performance requires a holistic approach that incorporates both traffic steering efficiency and network congestion avoidance techniques. To achieve maximum efficiency, organizations should follow the following best practices:

  • Develop a deep understanding of network traffic and application requirements.
  • Constantly monitor network usage and adjust traffic flows in real-time.
  • Utilize analytics tools to gain a more comprehensive understanding of network traffic.
  • Implement traffic engineering to optimize traffic steering efficiency.
  • Ensure end-to-end security by implementing effective congestion management techniques.

It is also important to regularly review and update SDWAN policies to ensure they align with business objectives and changing network requirements. This includes evaluating the performance of different applications and adjusting policies accordingly. Additionally, organizations should consider implementing Quality of Service (QoS) policies to prioritize critical applications and ensure they receive the necessary bandwidth and resources for optimal performance.

The impact of network congestion on the end-user experience and business productivity

Network congestion can have a significant impact on both the end-user experience and business productivity. Slow connection speeds and poor network performance can lead to frustration, decreased productivity, and lost revenue.

Effective network congestion management techniques, such as traffic steering efficiency and network congestion avoidance, are critical for ensuring a positive end-user experience and maximizing business productivity. By continually monitoring network traffic and adjusting traffic flows in real-time, businesses can minimize the risk of network congestion and ensure that their critical applications always receive the bandwidth they need.

In addition to traffic steering efficiency and network congestion avoidance, businesses can also implement Quality of Service (QoS) policies to prioritize certain types of traffic over others. For example, video conferencing and VoIP traffic can be given higher priority than email or web browsing traffic. This ensures that critical applications receive the necessary bandwidth and are not impacted by network congestion.

Implementing traffic engineering to improve traffic steering efficiency in SDWAN

To improve traffic steering efficiency in SDWAN, organizations should focus on implementing traffic engineering techniques. Traffic engineering involves creating a set of policies and rules for routing network traffic through the optimal path, ensuring that critical applications receive the bandwidth they need.

To effectively implement traffic engineering, businesses must have a deep understanding of their network traffic and application requirements. They should also utilize software-defined networking (SDN) technologies to automate the routing of network traffic through the optimal path.

Another important aspect of implementing traffic engineering in SDWAN is to regularly monitor and analyze network traffic patterns. This helps businesses identify any potential bottlenecks or congestion points in the network and make necessary adjustments to the traffic engineering policies. Additionally, businesses should consider implementing Quality of Service (QoS) policies to prioritize critical applications and ensure they receive the necessary bandwidth and network resources.

Enhancing network security through effective traffic steering and congestion management in SDWAN

Effective traffic steering and congestion management are critical for ensuring end-to-end network security in SDWAN environments. By managing traffic flows and avoiding network congestion, organizations can minimize the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches.

Additionally, businesses should leverage advanced security technologies, such as intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), to secure their SDWAN environments effectively. By implementing a comprehensive security framework that incorporates both traffic steering and congestion management techniques, organizations can achieve maximum network security and ensure a positive end-user experience.

Real-world case studies showcasing successful deployment of traffic steering and congestion avoidance techniques in SDWAN environments

Real-world case studies demonstrate how traffic steering and congestion avoidance techniques can be effectively leveraged in SDWAN environments. For example, a leading financial services firm was able to optimize their SDWAN performance by implementing a comprehensive traffic engineering strategy. By analyzing their network traffic and application requirements, the firm was able to develop an optimized routing plan that reduced WAN bandwidth usage and minimized the risk of network congestion.

Another example is a large healthcare provider that utilized network congestion avoidance techniques to ensure a positive end-user experience. By leveraging real-time monitoring and analytics tools, the provider was able to proactively manage their network traffic and avoid congestion, ensuring that critical applications always received the bandwidth they needed.

Future trends and emerging technologies in the field of SDWAN optimization using traffic engineering and network congestion avoidance strategies

Looking to the future, the field of SDWAN optimization is expected to see continued growth and innovation in the coming years. Emerging technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) will provide organizations with more sophisticated tools for managing their network traffic and optimizing performance.

Additionally, advancements in cloud-native technologies and SDN will enable organizations to create more comprehensive and scalable SDWAN environments. By leveraging these technologies and strategies, businesses can achieve maximum efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure a positive end-user experience.


Traffic steering efficiency and network congestion avoidance are critical techniques for optimizing SDWAN performance and ensuring a positive end-user experience. By continually monitoring network traffic and dynamically adjusting traffic flows in real-time, businesses can minimize network congestion and ensure that their critical applications receive the bandwidth they need.

Implementing traffic engineering and effective congestion management techniques, leveraging advanced analytics tools, and ensuring end-to-end security are all essential for achieving maximum efficiency and ensuring a positive end-user experience. As the field of SDWAN optimization continues to evolve, businesses that stay ahead of the curve and leverage emerging technologies and strategies will be well-positioned to succeed in today’s fast-paced, always-connected business environment.

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