July 27, 2024

Azure App Service Plan vs Azure Function Consumption Plan

8 min read
Are you confused about which Azure plan to choose for your application? Read this article to understand the differences between Azure App Service Plan and Azure Function Consumption Plan and make an informed decision for your project..
A cloud computing environment

A cloud computing environment

As businesses grow and scale, they require more complex applications to manage their workloads and meet customer demands. With the extensive range of services and solutions available in Azure, businesses are spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a cloud-based infrastructure for their applications. However, with the dizzying array of options available, it can be difficult to choose the best solution that meets their needs. This article aims to provide an in-depth comparison between two popular choices – Azure App Service Plan and Azure Function Consumption Plan.

Understanding the differences between App Service Plan and Function Consumption Plan

While App Service Plan and Function Consumption Plan may seem similar on the surface, they cater to different needs and have several crucial differences under the hood that businesses must consider when choosing between them.

Azure App Service Plan is a cloud-based platform for hosting web applications, mobile backends, and RESTful APIs. It provides an environment for developers to create, manage, and deploy applications quickly and efficiently, with support for multiple languages and frameworks. App Service Plan offers a wide range of features such as custom domains, SSL certificates, scaling, and load balancing, which makes it ideal for hosting complex, enterprise-grade applications.

On the other hand, Azure Function Consumption Plan is a serverless computing platform that allows developers to create event-driven, scalable, and highly available functions. With Function Consumption Plan, businesses only pay for the resources their functions consume, making it a cost-effective and efficient solution for running small and medium-sized workloads. Function Consumption Plan suits businesses who need to specialize in individual functions rather than hosting an entire application.

It is important to note that while App Service Plan offers more features and flexibility, it also comes with a higher cost compared to Function Consumption Plan. Additionally, Function Consumption Plan has a limit on the maximum execution time of a function, which may not be suitable for long-running tasks. Therefore, businesses must carefully evaluate their needs and budget before deciding which plan to choose.

Features of Azure App Service Plan: a comprehensive overview

Azure App Service Plan offers a wealth of features that make it a powerful and flexible platform for hosting web applications, mobile backends, and RESTful APIs. Let’s have a closer look at some of these features:

Custom domains and SSL certificates
One of the essential features of any web application is the ability to use a custom domain for branding and visibility purposes. Azure App Service Plan allows businesses to add custom domains to their applications easily, along with SSL certificates to ensure secure communication. This feature can help businesses achieve the necessary level of security and compliance when handling sensitive data.

Multiple platform support
Azure App Service Plan supports a wide range of platforms and frameworks, including .NET, Node.js, Java, PHP, Python, and Ruby, among others. It also has built-in support for popular content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress and Drupal, as well as popular server-side frameworks like Flask and Django.

Scaling and load balancing
Another critical feature of App Service Plan is the ability to scale applications based on demand. With App Service Plan, businesses can dynamically add or remove resources to ensure optimal performance and minimal downtime. Additionally, App Service Plan includes built-in load balancing features that distribute traffic across multiple instances to ensure high availability and reliability.

Continuous deployment and integration
Azure App Service Plan offers continuous deployment and integration features that allow businesses to streamline their development and deployment processes. With App Service Plan, businesses can easily integrate with popular source control systems like GitHub and Bitbucket, and automate the deployment process using tools like Jenkins and Visual Studio Team Services. This feature can help businesses reduce the time and effort required to deploy new features and updates to their applications, improving their agility and competitiveness in the market.

Benefits of Azure Function Consumption Plan: everything you need to know

Azure Function Consumption Plan offers several benefits that make it an attractive option for businesses.

Cost optimization
One of the most significant advantages of Azure Function Consumption Plan is its pay-as-you-go model, where businesses only pay for the resources their functions consume. This model eliminates the need for businesses to pay for idle resources, making it an affordable option for small to medium-sized workloads.

Function Consumption Plan’s serverless architecture scales dynamically based on incoming workload, which means that businesses don’t have to worry about deploying, managing or scaling any infrastructure. This feature makes it ideal for handling short-lived and sporadic workloads.

Integration with other Azure services
Azure Function Consumption Plan offers seamless integration with other Azure services like Event Grid, Logic Apps, and Azure Stream Analytics. This integration allows developers to build event-driven solutions using multiple Azure services without worrying about server infrastructure.

Which is better for your needs: App Service Plan or Function Consumption Plan?

The choice between Azure App Service Plan and Function Consumption Plan largely depends on the business’s application requirements and workload needs.

If the business requires enterprise-grade applications that need to remain available at all times, App Service Plan offers a comprehensive and flexible platform that can scale up or out based on the demand, ultimately providing an uninterrupted experience to users.

On the other hand, if the business needs to specialize in individual functions, Function Consumption Plan provides a cost-effective and auto-scaled environment that allows developers to focus on their code without worrying about infrastructure management.

Pricing comparison of App Service Plan and Function Consumption Plan

As already stated, App Service Plan and Function Consumption Plan cater to different applications’ needs and have different pricing models.

App Service Plan pricing is based on the number of instances needed to run the application, with prices starting as low as $54.45 per instance/month for basic instances and going up to $3,924.74 per instance/month for premium instances.

Function Consumption Plan pricing is charged based on the execution cycles, memory consumption, and bandwidth usage for each of the functions running on it. Consumption pricing starts at $0.20/million requests and $0.000016/GBs of resource consumption.

Scalability options in Azure App Service Plan vs Function Consumption Plan

Both Azure App Service Plan and Function Consumption Plan offer dynamic scalability options, but they differ in how they scale.

App Service Plan offers horizontal scaling, allowing businesses to add more instances of their application to accommodate higher traffic. In contrast, Function Consumption Plan offers auto-scaling, which automatically provisions and de-provisions instances based on real-time demand. This makes consuming resources highly efficient, allowing businesses to save costs on idle resources.

Pros and cons of using Azure App Service Plan for your application


  • Flexible and scalable platform, ideal for hosting complex, enterprise-grade applications.
  • Support for multiple platforms and frameworks, making it easy to switch between technologies.
  • Built-in load balancing to distribute traffic across multiple instances, ensuring high availability and reliability.


  • More expensive than Function Consumption Plan, making it less suitable for small applications.
  • Requires more hands-on management and scaling, which can be a challenge for inexperienced teams.

Advantages and disadvantages of using Azure Function Consumption Plan


  • Cost-effective and efficient model, which pays only for the resources consumed.
  • Auto-scaling provisions and de-provisions instances based on real-time demand, making it highly efficient for sporadic workloads.
  • Easy to integrate with other Azure services such as Event Grid, Logic Apps, and Azure Stream Analytics.


  • Not suitable for large and complex applications due to its auto-scaling model.
  • Resource constraints and execution time limitations may make it unsuitable for some workloads.

Use cases for Azure App Service Plan vs Azure Function Consumption Plan

Azure App Service Plan and Function Consumption Plan cater to different application needs. Here are a few use cases for each:

Use cases for App Service Plan

  • Enterprise-grade web applications or backends that require always-on availability and high scalability.
  • Applications that need custom domains, SSL certificates, and multiple platform support.
  • Applications that require high CPU, memory, and network bandwidth resources.

Use cases for Function Consumption Plan

  • Small applications that require specialized functions rather than entire applications.
  • Short-lived and sporadic workloads that require cost optimization.
  • Event-driven and serverless architectures that rely on scale and integration with other Azure services.

How to choose between Azure App Service Plan and Azure Function Consumption Plan?

To choose between Azure App Service Plan and Function Consumption Plan, businesses must consider their workload needs, application requirements, and cost restrictions. They must decide between the flexibility and scalability of App Service Plan or the cost optimization and auto-scaling benefits of Function Consumption Plan.

If the business requires enterprise-grade applications that need to stay available at all times, App Service Plan may be the better choice. In contrast, if the business specializes in individual functions, Function Consumption Plan may be a more cost-effective and efficient solution.

Performance comparison of Azure App Service and Function Consumption Plans

While both Azure App Service Plan and Function Consumption Plan are scalable and flexible, they differ in their performance as a result of their respective architectures.

App Service Plan has more robust processing power and memory, which makes it ideal for hosting resource-intensive applications. In contrast, Function Consumption Plan has lower processing power and memory, which makes it suitable for lightweight and event-driven applications that require on-demand processing.

Deployment options for applications on Azure App Service vs Azure Functions

Both Azure App Service Plan and Function Consumption Plan offer different deployment options for applications.

App Service Plan offers several deployment options, including continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD), Git-based deployment, and FTP-based deployment, among others. This variety of options makes it easy for developers to deploy their applications the way they want.

Alternatively, Function Consumption Plan offers continuous deployment (CD) integration with Azure DevOps, Git-based deployment, and deployment slots. These options allow developers to deploy their functions quickly and efficiently without worrying about the infrastructure

Integrating with other Azure services: a comparison between App Service and Function Consumption Plans

Azure App Service and Function Consumption Plan offer seamless integration with other Azure services, although they differ in their capabilities and options.

App Service Plan integrates well with many Azure services, including Azure SQL Database, Azure Storage, and Azure Active Directory, among others. Developers can use the built-in Visual Studio tooling to create and manage their applications within the Azure Portal.

Function Consumption Plan integrates with several Azure services such as Event Grid, Logic Apps, and Azure Stream Analytics, allowing developers to build event-driven solutions that consume resources only when needed.

Best practices for using Azure App Service Plans and Function Consumption Plans

Here are a few best practices businesses can follow for using Azure App Service Plan and Function Consumption Plan:

Best practices for using Azure App Service Plans

  • Use proper application image caching to improve performance and reduce server-side processing.
  • Implement a custom domain with an SSL certificate to ensure secure communication.
  • Configure auto-scaling options to ensure that resources are optimized and cost-effective.

Best practices for using Azure Function Consumption Plans

  • Use system-assigned managed identity to authenticate with other Azure services and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Optimize function code and resources to reduce execution time and memory consumption.
  • Enable and configure monitoring and logging to track function consumption and operate efficiently.


Choosing between Azure App Service Plan and Function Consumption Plan depends on factors such as application requirements and workload needs. App Service Plan is ideal for hosting enterprise-grade applications that require always-on availability and high scalability, while Function Consumption Plan is suited for handling sporadic workloads that require cost optimization and specialized functions. By understanding the differences, features, and benefits of each platform, businesses can make an informed decision and choose the right solution that meets their needs.

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